Candidates & Groups


Brighton Legal Search focuses on placing lateral partners, groups, and other experienced attorneys at law firms nationwide.

Our goal is to help you identify a platform that meets the needs of your clients and where you can expand your practice and have the support that you need. Finding that opportunity requires experience, insight, and a strategy to succeed.


Experience + Confidentiality + Strategy

It just adds up




We understand the challenges involved in moving a practice to a new platform. We know that the only move that makes sense is one that helps you better service your clients and provides distinct opportunities for long term growth and practice support. Working closely with you, and at all times confidentially, we will help you identify platforms that present particular synergies and opportunities.



We are in a constantly evolving legal market. Understanding what those changes mean for your practice is important. High demand areas of practice may present particular opportunities for significant growth. Let’s have a confidential conversation and talk about how we can be of assistance to you.